Source code for muse.agents.factories

"""Holds all building agents."""

from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Mapping, Optional, Sequence, Text, Union

import xarray as xr

from muse.agents.agent import Agent, InvestingAgent
from muse.defaults import DEFAULT_SECTORS_DIRECTORY
from muse.errors import RetrofitAgentNotDefined, TechnologyNotDefined

def create_standard_agent(
    technologies: xr.Dataset,
    capacity: xr.DataArray,
    year: int,
    region: Text,
    share: Optional[Text] = None,
    interpolation: Text = "linear",
    """Creates retrofit agent from muse primitives."""
    from muse.filters import factory as filter_factory

    if share is not None:
        capacity = _shared_capacity(
            technologies, capacity, region, share, year, interpolation=interpolation
        existing = capacity.interp(year=year, method=interpolation) > 0
        existing = existing.any([u for u in existing.dims if u != "asset"])
        years = [capacity.year.min().values, capacity.year.max().values]
        capacity = xr.zeros_like(capacity.sel(asset=existing.values, year=years))
    assets = xr.Dataset(dict(capacity=capacity))
    kwargs = _standardize_inputs(**kwargs)

    return Agent(
        search_rules=filter_factory(kwargs.pop("search_rules", None)),

[docs] def create_retrofit_agent( technologies: xr.Dataset, capacity: xr.DataArray, share: Text, year: int, region: Text, interpolation: Text = "linear", decision: Union[Callable, Text, Mapping] = "mean", **kwargs, ): """Creates retrofit agent from muse primitives.""" from logging import getLogger from muse.filters import factory as filter_factory if not callable(decision): name = decision if isinstance(decision, Text) else decision["name"] unusual = {"lexo", "lexical_comparison", "epsilon_constaints", "epsilon"} if name in unusual: msg = ( f"Decision method is unusual for a retrofit agent." f"Expected retro_{name} rather than {name}." ) getLogger(__name__).warning(msg) assets = _shared_capacity( technologies, capacity, region, share, year, interpolation=interpolation ) kwargs = _standardize_investing_inputs(decision=decision, **kwargs) search_rules = kwargs.pop("search_rules") if len(search_rules) < 2 or search_rules[-2] != "with_asset_technology": search_rules.insert(-1, "with_asset_technology") return InvestingAgent( assets=xr.Dataset(dict(capacity=assets)), region=region, search_rules=filter_factory(search_rules), year=year, **kwargs, )
[docs] def create_newcapa_agent( capacity: xr.DataArray, year: int, region: Text, share: Text, search_rules: Union[Text, Sequence[Text]] = "all", interpolation: Text = "linear", merge_transform: Union[Text, Mapping, Callable] = "new", quantity: float = 0.3, housekeeping: Union[Text, Mapping, Callable] = "noop", retrofit_present: bool = True, **kwargs, ): """Creates newcapa agent from muse primitives. If there are no retrofit agents present in the sector, then the newcapa agent need to be initialised with the initial capacity of the sector. """ from muse.filters import factory as filter_factory from muse.registration import name_variations if "region" in capacity.dims: capacity = capacity.sel(region=region) existing = capacity.interp(year=year, method=interpolation) > 0 assert set(existing.dims) == {"asset"} years = [capacity.year.min().values, capacity.year.max().values] assets = xr.Dataset() if retrofit_present: assets["capacity"] = xr.zeros_like( capacity.sel(asset=existing.values, year=years) ) else: technologies = kwargs["technologies"] assets["capacity"] = _shared_capacity( technologies, capacity, region, share, year, interpolation=interpolation ) merge_transform = "merge" kwargs = _standardize_investing_inputs( search_rules=search_rules, housekeeping=housekeeping, merge_transform=merge_transform, **kwargs, ) # ensure newcapa agents do not use currently_existing_tech filter, since it would # turn off all replacement techs variations = set(name_variations("existing")).union( name_variations("currently_existing_tech") ) search_rules = [ "currently_referenced_tech" if name in variations else name for name in kwargs.pop("search_rules") ] if not retrofit_present: if "with_asset_technology" not in search_rules: search_rules.insert(-1, "with_asset_technology") result = InvestingAgent( assets=assets, region=region, search_rules=filter_factory(search_rules), year=year, **kwargs, ) result.quantity = quantity # type: ignore return result
def create_agent(agent_type: Text, **kwargs) -> Agent: method = { "retrofit": create_retrofit_agent, "newcapa": create_newcapa_agent, "agent": create_standard_agent, "default": create_standard_agent, "standard": create_standard_agent, }[agent_type.lower()] return method(**kwargs) # type: ignore
[docs] def factory( existing_capacity_path: Optional[Union[Path, Text]] = None, agent_parameters_path: Optional[Union[Path, Text]] = None, technodata_path: Optional[Union[Path, Text]] = None, technodata_timeslices_path: Optional[Union[Text, Path]] = None, sector: Optional[Text] = None, sectors_directory: Union[Text, Path] = DEFAULT_SECTORS_DIRECTORY, baseyear: int = 2010, ) -> List[Agent]: """Reads list of agents from standard MUSE input files.""" from copy import deepcopy from logging import getLogger from textwrap import dedent from muse.readers import ( read_csv_agent_parameters, read_initial_assets, read_technodata_timeslices, read_technodictionary, ) from muse.readers.csv import find_sectors_file if sector is None: assert existing_capacity_path is not None assert agent_parameters_path is not None assert technodata_path is not None if existing_capacity_path is None: existing_capacity_path = find_sectors_file( "Existing%s.csv" % sector, sector, sectors_directory ) if agent_parameters_path is None: agent_parameters_path = find_sectors_file( "BuildingAgent%s.csv" % sector, sector, sectors_directory ) if technodata_path is None: technodata_path = find_sectors_file( "technodata%s.csv" % sector, sector, sectors_directory ) params = read_csv_agent_parameters(agent_parameters_path) techno = read_technodictionary(technodata_path) capa = read_initial_assets(existing_capacity_path) if technodata_timeslices_path and isinstance( technodata_timeslices_path, (Text, Path) ): technodata_timeslices = read_technodata_timeslices(technodata_timeslices_path) else: technodata_timeslices = None result = [] for param in params: if param["agent_type"] == "retrofit": param["technologies"] = techno.sel(region=param["region"]) if technodata_timeslices is not None: param.drop_vars("utilization_factor") param = param.merge(technodata_timeslices.sel(region=param["region"])) param["category"] = param["agent_type"] param["capacity"] = deepcopy(capa.sel(region=param["region"])) param["year"] = baseyear result.append(create_agent(**param)) nregs = len({u.region for u in result}) types = [ for u in result] msg = dedent( """\ Read agents for sector {name} from: - agent parameter file {para} - technologies data file {tech} - initial capacity file {ini} Found {n} agents across {nregs} regions{end} """.format( n=len(result), name=sector, para=agent_parameters_path, tech=technodata_path, ini=existing_capacity_path, nregs=nregs, end="." if len(result) == 0 else ", with:\n", ) ) for t in set(types): n = types.count(t) msg += " - {n} {t} agent{plural}\n".format( n=n, t=t, plural="" if n == 1 else "s" ) getLogger(__name__).info(msg) return result
[docs] def agents_factory( params_or_path: Union[Text, Path, List], capacity: Union[xr.DataArray, Text, Path], technologies: xr.Dataset, regions: Optional[Sequence[Text]] = None, year: Optional[int] = None, **kwargs, ) -> List[Agent]: """Creates a list of agents for the chosen sector.""" from copy import deepcopy from logging import getLogger from muse.readers import read_csv_agent_parameters, read_initial_assets if isinstance(params_or_path, (Text, Path)): params = read_csv_agent_parameters(params_or_path) else: params = params_or_path if isinstance(capacity, (Text, Path)): capacity = read_initial_assets(capacity) assert isinstance(capacity, xr.DataArray) if year is None: year = int(capacity.year.min()) if regions and "region" in capacity.dims: capacity = capacity.sel(region=regions) if regions and "dst_region" in capacity.dims: capacity = capacity.sel(dst_region=regions) if capacity.dst_region.size == 1: capacity = capacity.squeeze("dst_region", drop=True) result = [] retrofit_present = False for param in params: retrofit_present = retrofit_present or param["agent_type"] == "retrofit" for param in params: if regions is not None and param["region"] not in regions: continue param["technologies"] = technologies.sel(region=param["region"]) param["category"] = param["agent_type"] # We deepcopy the capacity as it changes every iteration and needs to be # a separate object param["capacity"] = deepcopy(capacity.sel(region=param["region"])) param["year"] = year param.update(kwargs) result.append(create_agent(**param, retrofit_present=retrofit_present)) nregs = len({u.region for u in result}) types = [ for u in result] msg = f"Found {len(result)} agents across {nregs} regions" + ( "," if len(result) == 0 else ", with:\n" ) for t in set(types): n = types.count(t) msg += " - {n} {t} agent{plural}\n".format( n=n, t=t, plural="" if n == 1 else "s" ) getLogger(__name__).info(msg) return result
def _shared_capacity( technologies: xr.Dataset, capacity: xr.DataArray, region: Text, share: Text, year: int, interpolation: Text = "linear", ) -> xr.DataArray: if "region" in capacity.dims: capacity = capacity.sel(region=region) if "region" in technologies.dims: technologies = technologies.sel(region=region) try: shares = technologies[share] except KeyError: raise RetrofitAgentNotDefined try: shares = shares.sel( except KeyError: raise TechnologyNotDefined if "region" in shares.dims: shares = shares.sel(region=region) if "year" in shares.dims: shares = shares.interp({"year": year}, method=interpolation) existing = capacity.interp({"year": year}, method=interpolation) techs = (existing > 0) & (shares > 0) techs = techs.any([u for u in techs.dims if u != "asset"]) return (capacity * shares).sel(asset=techs.values).copy() def _standardize_inputs( housekeeping: Union[Text, Mapping, Callable] = "clean", merge_transform: Union[Text, Mapping, Callable] = "merge", objectives: Union[ Callable, Text, Mapping, Sequence[Union[Text, Mapping]] ] = "fixed_costs", decision: Union[Callable, Text, Mapping] = "mean", **kwargs, ): from muse.decisions import factory as decision_factory from muse.hooks import asset_merge_factory, housekeeping_factory from muse.objectives import factory as objectives_factory if not callable(housekeeping): housekeeping = housekeeping_factory(housekeeping) if not callable(merge_transform): merge_transform = asset_merge_factory(merge_transform) if not callable(objectives): objectives = objectives_factory(objectives) if not callable(decision): decision = decision_factory(decision) kwargs["housekeeping"] = housekeeping kwargs["merge_transform"] = merge_transform kwargs["objectives"] = objectives kwargs["decision"] = decision return kwargs def _standardize_investing_inputs( search_rules: Optional[Union[Text, Sequence[Text]]] = None, investment: Union[Callable, Text, Mapping] = "adhoc", constraints: Optional[ Union[Callable, Text, Mapping, Sequence[Union[Text, Mapping]]] ] = None, **kwargs, ) -> Dict[Text, Any]: from muse.constraints import factory as constraints_factory from import factory as investment_factory kwargs = _standardize_inputs(**kwargs) if search_rules is None: search_rules = list() if isinstance(search_rules, Text): search_rules = [u.strip() for u in search_rules.split("->")] search_rules = list(search_rules) if len(search_rules) == 0 or search_rules[-1] != "compress": search_rules.append("compress") kwargs["search_rules"] = search_rules if not callable(investment): kwargs["investment"] = investment_factory(investment) if not callable(constraints): kwargs["constraints"] = constraints_factory(constraints) return kwargs