Source code for muse.decorators

from logging import getLogger
from typing import Callable, Mapping, Text

from muse.registration import registrator

SETTINGS_CHECKS_SIGNATURE = Callable[[dict], None]
"""settings checks signature."""

"""Dictionary of settings checks."""

[docs] @registrator(registry=SETTINGS_CHECKS, loglevel="info") def register_settings_check(function: SETTINGS_CHECKS_SIGNATURE): """Decorator to register a function as a settings check. Registers a function as a settings check so that it can be applied easily when validating the MUSE input settings. There is no restriction on the function name, although is should be in lower_snake_case, as it is a python function. """ from functools import wraps @wraps(function) def decorated(settings) -> None: result = function(settings) msg = " {} PASSED".format(function.__name__) getLogger(__name__).info(msg) return result return decorated