Source code for muse.filters

"""Various search-space filters.

Search-space filters return a modified matrix of booleans, with dimension
`(asset, replacement)`, where `asset` refer to technologies currently managed by
the agent, and `replacement` to all technologies the agent could consider, prior
to filtering.

Filters should be registered using the decorator :py:func:`register_filter`. The
registration makes it possible to call then from the agent by specifying the
`search_rule` attribute. The `search_rule` attribute is string or list of
strings specifying the filters to apply one after the other when considering the
search space.

Filters are not expected to modify any of their arguments. They should all
follow the same signature:

.. code-block:: Python

    def search_space_filter(
        agent: Agent,
        search_space: xr.DataArray,
        technologies: xr.Dataset,
        market: xr.Dataset
    ) -> xr.DataArray:

    agent: the agent relevant to the search space. The filters may need to query
        the agent for parameters, e.g. the current year, the interpolation
        method, the tolerance, etc.
    search_space: the current search space.
    technologies: A data set characterising the technologies from which the
        agent can draw assets.
    market: Market variables, such as prices or current capacity and retirement

    A new search space with the same data-type as the input search-space, but
    with potentially different values.

In practice, an initial search space is created by calling a function with the signature
given below, and registered with :py:func:`register_initializer`. The initializer
function returns a search space which is passed on to a chain of filters, as done in the
:py:func:`factory` function.

Functions creating initial search spaces should have the following signature:

.. code-block:: Python

    def search_space_initializer(
        agent: Agent,
        demand: xr.DataArray,
        technologies: xr.Dataset,
        market: xr.Dataset
    ) -> xr.DataArray:

    agent: the agent relevant to the search space. The filters may need to query
        the agent for parameters, e.g. the current year, the interpolation
        method, the tolerance, etc.
    demand: share of the demand per existing reference technology (e.g.
    technologies: A data set characterising the technologies from which the
        agent can draw assets.
    market: Market variables, such as prices or current capacity and retirement

    An initial search space

__all__ = [

from typing import (

import numpy as np
import xarray as xr

from muse.agents import Agent
from muse.registration import registrator

SSF_SIGNATURE = Callable[[Agent, xr.DataArray, xr.Dataset, xr.Dataset], xr.DataArray]
""" Search space filter signature """

"""Filters for selecting technology search spaces."""

SSI_SIGNATURE = Callable[[Agent, xr.DataArray, xr.Dataset, xr.Dataset], xr.DataArray]
""" Search space initializer signature """

"""Functions to create an initial search-space."""

[docs] @registrator(registry=SEARCH_SPACE_FILTERS, loglevel="info") def register_filter(function: SSF_SIGNATURE) -> Callable: """Decorator to register a function as a filter. Registers a function as a filter so that it can be applied easily when constraining the technology search-space. The name that the function is registered with defaults to the function name. However, it can also be specified explicitly as a *keyword* argument. In any case, it must be unique amongst all search-space filters. """ from functools import wraps @wraps(function) def decorated( agent: Agent, search_space: xr.DataArray, *args, **kwargs ) -> xr.DataArray: result = function(agent, search_space, *args, **kwargs) # type: ignore if isinstance(result, xr.DataArray): = return result return decorated
[docs] @registrator( registry=SEARCH_SPACE_INITIALIZERS, logname="initial search-space", loglevel="info" ) def register_initializer(function: SSI_SIGNATURE) -> Callable: """Decorator to register a function as a search-space initializer.""" from functools import wraps @wraps(function) def decorated(agent: Agent, *args, **kwargs) -> xr.DataArray: result = function(agent, *args, **kwargs) # type: ignore if isinstance(result, xr.DataArray): = "search_space" return result return decorated
[docs] def factory( settings: Optional[Union[Text, Mapping, Sequence[Union[Text, Mapping]]]] = None, separator: Text = "->", ): """Creates filters from input TOML data. The input data is standardized to a list of dictionaries where each dictionary contains at least one member, "name". The first dictionary specifies the initial function which creates the search space from the demand share, the market, and the dataset describing technologies in the sectors. The next entries are applied in turn and transform the search space in some way. In other words the process is more or less: .. code-block:: Python search_space = initial_filter( agent, demand, technologies=technologies, market=market ) for afilter in filters: search_space = afilter( agent, search_space, technologies=technologies, market=market ) return search_space ``initial_filter`` is simply first filter given on input, if that filter is registered with :py:func:`register_initializer`. Otherwise, :py:func:`initialize_from_technologies` is automatically inserted. """ from functools import partial if settings is None: parameters: Sequence[Mapping[Text, Any]] = [] elif isinstance(settings, Mapping): parameters = [settings] elif isinstance(settings, Text): parameters = [{"name": name.strip()} for name in settings.split(separator)] else: parameters = [ {"name": item} if isinstance(item, Text) else item for item in settings ] if len(parameters) == 0 or parameters[0]["name"] not in SEARCH_SPACE_INITIALIZERS: initial_settings: Mapping[Text, Text] = {"name": "initialize_from_technologies"} else: initial_settings, parameters = cast(Mapping, parameters[0]), parameters[1:] functions = [ partial( SEARCH_SPACE_INITIALIZERS[initial_settings["name"]], **{k: v for k, v in initial_settings.items() if k != "name"}, ), *( partial( SEARCH_SPACE_FILTERS[setting["name"]], **{k: v for k, v in setting.items() if k != "name"}, ) for setting in parameters ), ] def filters(agent: Agent, demand: xr.DataArray, *args, **kwargs) -> xr.DataArray: """Applies a series of filter to determine the search space.""" result = functions[0](agent, demand, *args, **kwargs) for function in functions[1:]: result = function(agent, result, *args, **kwargs) return result return filters
[docs] @register_filter def same_enduse( agent: Agent, search_space: xr.DataArray, technologies: xr.Dataset, *args, enduse_label: Text = "service", **kwargs, ) -> xr.DataArray: """Only allow for technologies with at least the same end-use.""" from muse.commodities import is_enduse tech_enduses = agent.filter_input( technologies.fixed_outputs, year=agent.year, commodity=is_enduse(technologies.comm_usage), ) tech_enduses = (tech_enduses > 0).astype(int).rename(technology="replacement") asset_enduses = tech_enduses.sel(replacement=search_space.asset) return search_space & ((tech_enduses - asset_enduses) >= 0).all("commodity")
[docs] @register_filter(name="all") def identity(agent: Agent, search_space: xr.DataArray, *args, **kwargs) -> xr.DataArray: """Returns search space as given.""" return search_space
[docs] @register_filter(name="similar") def similar_technology( agent: Agent, search_space: xr.DataArray, technologies: xr.Dataset, *args, **kwargs ): """Filters technologies with the same type.""" tech_type = agent.filter_input(technologies.tech_type) asset_types = tech_type.sel(technology=search_space.asset) tech_types = tech_type.sel(technology=search_space.replacement) return search_space & (asset_types == tech_types)
[docs] @register_filter(name="fueltype") def same_fuels( agent: Agent, search_space: xr.DataArray, technologies: xr.Dataset, *args, **kwargs ): """Filters technologies with the same fuel type.""" fuel = agent.filter_input(technologies.fuel) asset_fuel = fuel.sel(technology=search_space.asset) tech_fuel = fuel.sel(technology=search_space.replacement) return search_space & (asset_fuel == tech_fuel)
[docs] @register_filter(name="existing") def currently_existing_tech( agent: Agent, search_space: xr.DataArray, technologies: xr.Dataset, market: xr.Dataset, ) -> xr.DataArray: """Only consider technologies that currently exist in the market. This filter only allows technologies that exists in the market and have non- zero capacity in the current year. See `currently_referenced_tech` for a similar filter that does not check the capacity. """ capacity = agent.filter_input(market.capacity, year=agent.year).rename( technology="replacement" ) result = search_space & search_space.replacement.isin(capacity.replacement) both = (capacity.replacement.isin(search_space.replacement)).replacement result.loc[{"replacement": both.values}] &= capacity.sel( replacement=both ) > getattr(agent, "tolerance", 1e-8) return result
[docs] @register_filter def currently_referenced_tech( agent: Agent, search_space: xr.DataArray, technologies: xr.Dataset, market: xr.Dataset, ) -> xr.DataArray: """Only consider technologies that are currently referenced in the market. This filter will allow any technology that exists in the market, even if it currently sits at zero capacity (unlike `currently_existing_tech` which requires non-zero capacity in the current year). """ capacity = agent.filter_input(market.capacity, year=agent.year).rename( technology="replacement" ) return search_space & search_space.replacement.isin(capacity.replacement)
[docs] @register_filter def maturity( agent: Agent, search_space: xr.DataArray, technologies: xr.Dataset, market: xr.Dataset, enduse_label: Text = "service", **kwargs, ) -> xr.DataArray: """Only allows technologies that have achieve a given market share. Specifically, the market share refers to the capacity for each end- use. """ capacity = agent.filter_input(market.capacity, year=agent.year) total_capacity = capacity.sum("technology") enduse_market_share = agent.maturity_threshhold * total_capacity condition = enduse_market_share <= capacity techs = (, drop=True).drop_vars("technology").values ) # Generate a boolean mask where 'True' corresponds to entries in # 'search_space.replacement' that are in 'techs' mask = search_space.replacement.isin(techs) # Apply this mask to 'search_space', turning all fields where the condition is not # met to False replacement = search_space.where(mask, False) return search_space & replacement
@register_filter def spend_limit( agent: Agent, search_space: xr.DataArray, technologies: xr.Dataset, market: xr.Dataset, enduse_label: Text = "service", **kwargs, ) -> xr.DataArray: """Only allows technologies that have achieve a given market share. Specifically, the market share refers to the capacity for each end- use. """ spend_limit = agent.spend_limit unit_capex = agent.filter_input(technologies.cap_par, year=agent.year) condition = (unit_capex <= spend_limit).rename("spend_limit") techs = (, drop=True).drop_vars("technology").values ) # Generate a boolean mask where 'True' corresponds to entries in # 'search_space.replacement' that are in 'techs' mask = search_space.replacement.isin(techs) # Apply this mask to 'search_space', turning all fields where the condition is not # met to False replacement = search_space.where(mask, False) return search_space & replacement
[docs] @register_filter def compress( agent: Agent, search_space: xr.DataArray, technologies: xr.Dataset, market: xr.Dataset, **kwargs, ) -> xr.DataArray: """Compress search space to include only potential technologies. This operation reduces the *size* of the search space along the `replacement` dimension, such that are left only technologies that will be considered as replacement for at least by one asset. Unlike most filters, it does not change the data, but rather changes how the data is represented. In other words, this is mostly an *optimization* for later steps, to avoid unnecessary computations. """ if len(search_space.dims) == 1 and search_space.dims[0] == "replacement": condition = search_space else: condition = search_space.any("asset") return search_space.sel(replacement=condition)
[docs] @register_filter(name=["reduce_asset", "reduce_assets"]) def reduce_asset( agent: Agent, search_space: xr.DataArray, technologies: xr.Dataset, market: xr.Dataset, **kwargs, ) -> xr.DataArray: """Reduce over assets.""" return search_space.any("asset") if "asset" in search_space.dims else search_space
[docs] @register_filter def with_asset_technology( agent: Agent, search_space: xr.DataArray, technologies: xr.Dataset, market: xr.Dataset, **kwargs, ) -> xr.DataArray: """Search space *also* contains its asset technology for each asset.""" return search_space | (search_space.asset == search_space.replacement)
[docs] @register_initializer(name="from_techs") def initialize_from_technologies( agent: Agent, demand: xr.DataArray, technologies: xr.Dataset, *args, **kwargs ): """Initialize a search space from existing technologies.""" coords = ( ("asset", demand.asset.values), ("replacement",, ) return xr.DataArray( np.ones(tuple(len(u[1]) for u in coords), dtype=bool), coords=coords, dims=[u[0] for u in coords], name="search_space", )
@register_initializer(name="from_assets") def initialize_from_assets( agent: Agent, demand: xr.DataArray, technologies: xr.Dataset, *args, coords: Sequence[Text] = ("region", "technology"), **kwargs, ): """Initialize a search space from existing technologies.""" from muse.utilities import reduce_assets replacement = xr.DataArray( np.ones_like(, dtype=bool), coords={"replacement":}, dims="replacement", ) if "asset" not in agent.assets.dims or len(agent.assets.asset) == 0: return replacement assets = xr.ones_like( reduce_assets(agent.assets.asset, coords=coords), dtype=bool ).rename(technology="asset") return (assets * replacement).transpose("asset", "replacement")