Source code for muse.objectives

"""Valuation functions for replacement technologies.

.. currentmodule:: muse.objectives

Objectives are used to compare replacement technologies. They should correspond to
a single well defined economic concept. Multiple objectives can later be combined
via decision functions.

Objectives should be registered via the
:py:func:`@register_objective<register_objective>` decorator. This makes it possible to
refer to them by name in agent input files, and nominally to set extra input parameters.

The :py:func:`factory` function creates a function that calls all objectives defined in
its input argument and returns a dataset with each objective as a separate data array.

Objectives are not expected to modify their arguments. Furthermore they should
conform the following signatures:

.. code-block:: Python

    def comfort(
        agent: Agent,
        demand: xr.DataArray,
        search_space: xr.DataArray,
        technologies: xr.Dataset,
        market: xr.Dataset,
    ) -> xr.DataArray:

    agent: the agent relevant to the search space. The filters may need to query
        the agent for parameters, e.g. the current year, the interpolation
        method, the tolerance, etc.
    demand: Demand to fulfill.
    search_space: A boolean matrix represented as a ``xr.DataArray``, listing
        replacement technologies for each asset.
    technologies: A data set characterising the technologies from which the
        agent can draw assets.
    market: Market variables, such as prices or current capacity and retirement
    kwargs: Extra input parameters. These parameters are expected to be set from the
        input file.

        .. warning::

            The standard :ref:`agent csv file<inputs-agents>` does not allow to set
            these parameters.

    A dataArray with at least one dimension corresponding to ``replacement``.  Only the
    technologies in ``search_space.replacement`` should be present.  Furthermore, if an
    ``asset`` dimension is present, then it should correspond to ``search_space.asset``.
    Other dimensions can be present, as long as the subsequent decision function nows
    how to reduce them.

__all__ = [

from typing import Any, Callable, Mapping, MutableMapping, Sequence, Text, Union, cast

import numpy as np
import xarray as xr
from mypy_extensions import KwArg

from muse.agents import Agent
from muse.outputs.cache import cache_quantity
from muse.registration import registrator

    [Agent, xr.DataArray, xr.DataArray, xr.Dataset, xr.Dataset, KwArg(Any)],
"""Objectives signature."""

"""Dictionary of objectives when selecting replacement technology."""

def objective_factory(settings=Union[Text, Mapping]):
    from functools import partial

    if isinstance(settings, Text):
        params = dict(name=settings)
        params = dict(**settings)
    name = params.pop("name")
    function = OBJECTIVES[name]
    return partial(function, **params)

[docs] def factory( settings: Union[Text, Mapping, Sequence[Union[Text, Mapping]]] = "LCOE", ) -> Callable: """Creates a function computing multiple objectives. The input can be a single objective defined by its name alone. Or it can be a single objective defined by a dictionary which must include at least a "name" item, as well as any extra parameters to pass to the objective. Or it can be a sequence of objectives defined by name or by dictionary. """ from logging import getLogger from typing import Dict, List if isinstance(settings, Text): params: List[Dict] = [{"name": settings}] elif isinstance(settings, Mapping): params = [dict(**settings)] else: params = [ {"name": param} if isinstance(param, Text) else dict(**param) for param in settings ] if len(set(param["name"] for param in params)) != len(params): msg = ( "The same objective is named twice." " The result may be undefined if parameters differ." ) getLogger(__name__).critical(msg) functions = [(param["name"], objective_factory(param)) for param in params] def objectives( agent: Agent, demand: xr.DataArray, search_space: xr.DataArray, *args, **kwargs ) -> xr.Dataset: result = xr.Dataset(coords=search_space.coords) for name, objective in functions: result[name] = objective(agent, demand, search_space, *args, **kwargs) return result return objectives
[docs] @registrator(registry=OBJECTIVES, loglevel="info") def register_objective(function: OBJECTIVE_SIGNATURE): """Decorator to register a function as a objective. Registers a function as a objective so that it can be applied easily when sorting technologies one against the other. The input name is expected to be in lower_snake_case, since it ought to be a python function. CamelCase, lowerCamelCase, and kebab-case names are also registered. """ from functools import wraps @wraps(function) def decorated_objective( agent: Agent, demand: xr.DataArray, search_space: xr.DataArray, *args, **kwargs ) -> xr.DataArray: from logging import getLogger reduced_demand = demand.sel( { k: search_space[k] for k in set(demand.dims).intersection(search_space.dims) } ) result = function(agent, reduced_demand, search_space, *args, **kwargs) dtype = result.values.dtype if not (np.issubdtype(dtype, np.number) or np.issubdtype(dtype, np.bool_)): msg = "dtype of objective %s is not a number (%s)" % ( function.__name__, dtype, ) getLogger(function.__module__).warning(msg) if "technology" in result.dims: raise RuntimeError("Objective should not return a dimension 'technology'") if "technology" in result.coords: raise RuntimeError("Objective should not return a coordinate 'technology'") = function.__name__ cache_quantity(**{ result}) return result return decorated_objective
[docs] @register_objective def comfort( agent: Agent, demand: xr.DataArray, search_space: xr.DataArray, technologies: xr.Dataset, *args, **kwargs, ) -> xr.DataArray: """Comfort value provided by technologies.""" output = agent.filter_input( technologies.comfort, year=agent.forecast_year, technology=search_space.replacement, ).drop_vars("technology") return output
[docs] @register_objective def efficiency( agent: Agent, demand: xr.DataArray, search_space: xr.DataArray, technologies: xr.Dataset, *args, **kwargs, ) -> xr.DataArray: """Efficiency of the technologies.""" result = agent.filter_input( technologies.efficiency, year=agent.forecast_year, technology=search_space.replacement, ).drop_vars("technology") assert isinstance(result, xr.DataArray) return result
def _represent_hours(market: xr.Dataset, search_space: xr.DataArray) -> xr.DataArray: """Retrieves the appropriate value for represent_hours. Args: market: The simulation market. search_space: The search space for new tehcnologies. Returns: DataArray with the hours of each timeslice. """ from muse.timeslices import represent_hours if "represent_hours" in market: return market.represent_hours if "represent_hours" in search_space.coords: return search_space.represent_hours return represent_hours(market.timeslice)
[docs] @register_objective(name="capacity") def capacity_to_service_demand( agent: Agent, demand: xr.DataArray, search_space: xr.DataArray, technologies: xr.Dataset, market: xr.Dataset, *args, **kwargs, ) -> xr.DataArray: """Minimum capacity required to fulfill the demand.""" params = agent.filter_input( technologies[["utilization_factor", "fixed_outputs"]], year=agent.forecast_year, region=agent.region, technology=search_space.replacement, ).drop_vars("technology") hours = _represent_hours(market, search_space) max_hours = hours.max() / hours.sum() commodity_output = params.fixed_outputs.sel(commodity=demand.commodity) max_demand = ( demand.where(commodity_output > 0, 0) / commodity_output.where(commodity_output > 0, 1) ).max(("commodity", "timeslice")) return max_demand / params.utilization_factor / max_hours
[docs] @register_objective def fixed_costs( agent: Agent, demand: xr.DataArray, search_space: xr.DataArray, technologies: xr.Dataset, market: xr.Dataset, *args, **kwargs, ) -> xr.DataArray: r"""Fixed costs associated with a technology. Given a factor :math:`\alpha` and an exponent :math:`\beta`, the fixed costs :math:`F` are computed from the :py:func:`capacity fulfilling the current demand <capacity_to_service_demand>` :math:`C` as: .. math:: F = \alpha * C^\beta :math:`\alpha` and :math:`\beta` are "fix_par" and "fix_exp" in :ref:`inputs-technodata`, respectively. """ from muse.timeslices import QuantityType, convert_timeslice cfd = capacity_to_service_demand( agent, demand, search_space, technologies, market, *args, **kwargs ) data = agent.filter_input( technologies[["fix_par", "fix_exp"]], technology=search_space.replacement, year=agent.forecast_year, ).drop_vars("technology") result = convert_timeslice( data.fix_par * (cfd**data.fix_exp), demand.timeslice, QuantityType.EXTENSIVE, ) return xr.DataArray(result)
[docs] @register_objective def capital_costs( agent: Agent, demand: xr.DataArray, search_space: xr.DataArray, technologies: xr.Dataset, *args, **kwargs, ) -> xr.DataArray: r"""Capital costs for input technologies. The capital costs are computed as :math:`a * b^\alpha`, where :math:`a` is "cap_par" from the :ref:`inputs-technodata`, :math:`b` is the "scaling_size", and :math:`\alpha` is "cap_exp". In other words, capital costs are constant across the simulation for each technology. """ from muse.timeslices import QuantityType, convert_timeslice data = agent.filter_input( technologies[["cap_par", "scaling_size", "cap_exp"]], technology=search_space.replacement, year=agent.forecast_year, ).drop_vars("technology") result = convert_timeslice( data.cap_par * (data.scaling_size**data.cap_exp), demand.timeslice, QuantityType.EXTENSIVE, ) return xr.DataArray(result)
[docs] @register_objective(name="emissions") def emission_cost( agent: Agent, demand: xr.DataArray, search_space: xr.DataArray, technologies: xr.Dataset, market: xr.Dataset, *args, **kwargs, ) -> xr.DataArray: r"""Emission cost for each technology when fultfilling whole demand. Given the demand share :math:`D`, the emissions per amount produced :math:`E`, and the prices per emittant :math:`P`, then emissions costs :math:`C` are computed as: .. math:: C = \sum_s \left(\sum_cD\right)\left(\sum_cEP\right), with :math:`s` the timeslices and :math:`c` the commodity. """ from muse.commodities import is_enduse, is_pollutant enduses = is_enduse(technologies.comm_usage.sel(commodity=demand.commodity)) total = demand.sel(commodity=enduses).sum("commodity") allemissions = agent.filter_input( technologies.fixed_outputs, commodity=is_pollutant(technologies.comm_usage), technology=search_space.replacement, year=agent.forecast_year, ).drop_vars("technology") envs = is_pollutant(technologies.comm_usage) prices = agent.filter_input(market.prices, year=agent.forecast_year, commodity=envs) return total * (allemissions * prices).sum("commodity")
@register_objective def capacity_in_use( agent: Agent, demand: xr.DataArray, search_space: xr.DataArray, technologies: xr.Dataset, market: xr.Dataset, *args, **kwargs, ): from muse.commodities import is_enduse from muse.timeslices import represent_hours if "represent_hours" in market: hours = market.represent_hours elif "represent_hours" in search_space.coords: hours = search_space.represent_hours else: hours = represent_hours(market.timeslice) ufac = agent.filter_input( technologies.utilization_factor, technology=search_space.replacement, year=agent.forecast_year, ).drop_vars("technology") enduses = is_enduse(technologies.comm_usage.sel(commodity=demand.commodity)) return ( (demand.sel(commodity=enduses).sum("commodity") / hours).sum("timeslice") * hours.sum() / ufac ) @register_objective def consumption( agent: Agent, demand: xr.DataArray, search_space: xr.DataArray, technologies: xr.Dataset, market: xr.Dataset, *args, **kwargs, ) -> xr.DataArray: """Commodity consumption when fulfilling the whole demand. Currently, the consumption is implemented for commodity_max == +infinity. """ from muse.quantities import consumption params = agent.filter_input( technologies[["fixed_inputs", "flexible_inputs"]], year=agent.forecast_year, technology=search_space.replacement.values, ) prices = agent.filter_input(market.prices, year=agent.forecast_year) demand = demand.where(search_space, 0).rename(replacement="technology") result = consumption(technologies=params, prices=prices, production=demand) return result.sum("commodity").rename(technology="replacement")
[docs] @register_objective def fuel_consumption_cost( agent: Agent, demand: xr.DataArray, search_space: xr.DataArray, technologies: xr.Dataset, market: xr.Dataset, *args, **kwargs, ): """Cost of fuels when fulfilling whole demand.""" from muse.commodities import is_fuel from muse.quantities import consumption commodity = is_fuel(technologies.comm_usage.sel(commodity=market.commodity)) params = agent.filter_input( technologies[["fixed_inputs", "flexible_inputs"]], year=agent.forecast_year, technology=search_space.replacement.values, ) prices = agent.filter_input(market.prices, year=agent.forecast_year) demand = demand.where(search_space, 0).rename(replacement="technology") fcons = consumption(technologies=params, prices=prices, production=demand) return ( (fcons * prices) .sel(commodity=commodity) .sum("commodity") .rename(technology="replacement") )
@register_objective(name=["ALCOE"]) def annual_levelized_cost_of_energy( agent: Agent, demand: xr.DataArray, search_space: xr.DataArray, technologies: xr.Dataset, market: xr.Dataset, *args, **kwargs, ): """Annual cost of energy (LCOE) of technologies - not dependent on production. It needs to be used for trade agents where the actual service is unknown. It follows the `simplified LCOE` given by NREL. Arguments: agent: The agent of interest demand: Demand for commodities search_space: The search space space for replacement technologies technologies: All the technologies market: The market parameters *args: Extra arguments (unused) **kwargs: Extra keyword arguments (unused) Return: xr.DataArray with the LCOE calculated for the relevant technologies """ from muse.quantities import annual_levelized_cost_of_energy as aLCOE techs = agent.filter_input(technologies, technology=search_space.replacement.values) assert isinstance(techs, xr.Dataset) prices = cast(xr.DataArray, agent.filter_input(market.prices)) return aLCOE(prices, techs).rename(technology="replacement").max("timeslice") def capital_recovery_factor( agent: Agent, search_space: xr.DataArray, technologies: xr.Dataset ) -> xr.DataArray: """Capital recovery factor using interest rate and expected lifetime. The `capital recovery factor`_ is computed using the expression given by HOMER Energy. .. _capital recovery factor: Arguments: agent: The agent of interest search_space: The search space space for replacement technologies technologies: All the technologies Return: xr.DataArray with the CRF calculated for the relevant technologies """ tech = agent.filter_input( technologies[["technical_life", "interest_rate"]], technology=search_space.replacement, year=agent.forecast_year, ).drop_vars("technology") nyears = tech.technical_life.astype(int) return tech.interest_rate / (1 - (1 / (1 + tech.interest_rate) ** nyears))
[docs] @register_objective(name=["LCOE", "LLCOE"]) def lifetime_levelized_cost_of_energy( agent: Agent, demand: xr.DataArray, search_space: xr.DataArray, technologies: xr.Dataset, market: xr.Dataset, *args, **kwargs, ): """Levelized cost of energy (LCOE) of technologies over their lifetime. It follows the `simplified LCOE` given by NREL. The LCOE is set to zero for those timeslices where the production is zero, normally due to a zero utilisation factor. Arguments: agent: The agent of interest demand: Demand for commodities search_space: The search space space for replacement technologies technologies: All the technologies market: The market parameters *args: Extra arguments (unused) **kwargs: Extra keyword arguments (unused) Return: xr.DataArray with the LCOE calculated for the relevant technologies """ from muse.commodities import is_enduse, is_fuel, is_material, is_pollutant from muse.quantities import consumption from muse.timeslices import QuantityType, convert_timeslice # Filtering of the inputs tech = agent.filter_input( technologies[ [ "technical_life", "interest_rate", "cap_par", "cap_exp", "var_par", "var_exp", "fix_par", "fix_exp", "fixed_outputs", "fixed_inputs", "flexible_inputs", "utilization_factor", ] ], technology=search_space.replacement, year=agent.forecast_year, ).drop_vars("technology") nyears = tech.technical_life.astype(int) interest_rate = tech.interest_rate cap_par = tech.cap_par cap_exp = tech.cap_exp var_par = tech.var_par var_exp = tech.var_exp fix_par = tech.fix_par fix_exp = tech.fix_exp fixed_outputs = tech.fixed_outputs utilization_factor = tech.utilization_factor # All years the simulation is running # NOTE: see docstring about installation year iyears = range( agent.forecast_year, max(agent.forecast_year + nyears.values.max(), agent.forecast_year), ) years = xr.DataArray(iyears, coords={"year": iyears}, dims="year") # Filters environmentals = is_pollutant(technologies.comm_usage) material = is_material(technologies.comm_usage) products = is_enduse(technologies.comm_usage) fuels = is_fuel(technologies.comm_usage) # Capacity capacity = capacity_to_service_demand( agent, demand, search_space, technologies, market ) # Evolution of rates with time rates = discount_factor( years - agent.forecast_year + 1, interest_rate, years <= agent.forecast_year + nyears, ) production = capacity * fixed_outputs * utilization_factor production = convert_timeslice(production, demand.timeslice, QuantityType.EXTENSIVE) # raw costs --> make the NPV more negative # Cost of installed capacity installed_capacity_costs = convert_timeslice( cap_par * (capacity**cap_exp), demand.timeslice, QuantityType.EXTENSIVE, ) # Cost related to environmental products prices_environmental = agent.filter_input( market.prices, commodity=environmentals, year=years.values ).ffill("year") environmental_costs = (production * prices_environmental * rates).sum( ("commodity", "year") ) # Fuel/energy costs prices_fuel = agent.filter_input( market.prices, commodity=fuels, year=years.values ).ffill("year") prices = agent.filter_input(market.prices, year=years.values).ffill("year") fuel = consumption(technologies=tech, production=production, prices=prices) fuel_costs = (fuel * prices_fuel * rates).sum(("commodity", "year")) # Cost related to material other than fuel/energy and environmentals prices_material = agent.filter_input( market.prices, commodity=material, year=years.values ).ffill("year") material_costs = (production * prices_material * rates).sum(("commodity", "year")) # Fixed and Variable costs fixed_costs = convert_timeslice( fix_par * (capacity**fix_exp), demand.timeslice, QuantityType.EXTENSIVE, ) variable_costs = (var_par * production.sel(commodity=products) ** var_exp).sum( "commodity" ) fixed_and_variable_costs = ((fixed_costs + variable_costs) * rates).sum("year") denominator = production.where(production > 0.0, 1e-6) results = ( installed_capacity_costs + fuel_costs + environmental_costs + material_costs + fixed_and_variable_costs ) / (denominator.sel(commodity=products).sum("commodity") * rates).sum("year") return results.where(np.isfinite(results)).fillna(0.0)
[docs] @register_objective(name="NPV") def net_present_value( agent: Agent, demand: xr.DataArray, search_space: xr.DataArray, technologies: xr.Dataset, market: xr.Dataset, *args, **kwargs, ): """Net present value (NPV) of the relevant technologies. The net present value of a Component is the present value of all the revenues that a Component earns over its lifetime minus all the costs of installing and operating it. Follows the definition of the `net present cost`_ given by HOMER Energy. Metrics are calculated .. _net present cost: .. - energy commodities INPUTS are related to fuel costs - environmental commodities OUTPUTS are related to environmental costs - material and service commodities INPUTS are related to consumable costs - fixed and variable costs are given as technodata inputs and depend on the installed capacity and production (non-environmental), respectively - capacity costs are given as technodata inputs and depend on the installed capacity Note: Here, the installation year is always agent.forecast_year, since objectives compute the NPV for technologies to be installed in the current year. A more general NPV computation (which would then live in would have to refer to installation year of the technology. Arguments: agent: The agent of interest demand: Demand for commodities search_space: The search space space for replacement technologies technologies: All the technologies market: The market parameters *args: Extra arguments (unused) **kwargs: Extra keyword arguments (unused) Return: xr.DataArray with the NPV calculated for the relevant technologies """ from muse.commodities import is_enduse, is_fuel, is_material, is_pollutant from muse.quantities import consumption from muse.timeslices import QuantityType, convert_timeslice # Filtering of the inputs tech = agent.filter_input( technologies[ [ "technical_life", "interest_rate", "cap_par", "cap_exp", "var_par", "var_exp", "fix_par", "fix_exp", "fixed_outputs", "fixed_inputs", "flexible_inputs", "utilization_factor", ] ], technology=search_space.replacement, year=agent.forecast_year, ).drop_vars("technology") nyears = tech.technical_life.astype(int) interest_rate = tech.interest_rate cap_par = tech.cap_par cap_exp = tech.cap_exp var_par = tech.var_par var_exp = tech.var_exp fix_par = tech.fix_par fix_exp = tech.fix_exp fixed_outputs = tech.fixed_outputs utilization_factor = tech.utilization_factor # All years the simulation is running # NOTE: see docstring about installation year iyears = range( agent.forecast_year, max(agent.forecast_year + nyears.values.max(), agent.forecast_year + 1), ) years = xr.DataArray(iyears, coords={"year": iyears}, dims="year") # Filters environmentals = is_pollutant(technologies.comm_usage) material = is_material(technologies.comm_usage) products = is_enduse(technologies.comm_usage) fuels = is_fuel(technologies.comm_usage) # Capacity capacity = capacity_to_service_demand( agent, demand, search_space, technologies, market ) # Evolution of rates with time rates = discount_factor( years - agent.forecast_year + 1, interest_rate, years <= agent.forecast_year + nyears, ) # raw revenues --> Make the NPV more positive # This production is the absolute maximum production, given the capacity prices_non_env = agent.filter_input( market.prices, commodity=products, year=years.values ).ffill("year") production = capacity * fixed_outputs * utilization_factor production = convert_timeslice(production, demand.timeslice, QuantityType.EXTENSIVE) raw_revenues = (production * prices_non_env * rates).sum(("commodity", "year")) # raw costs --> make the NPV more negative # Cost of installed capacity installed_capacity_costs = convert_timeslice( cap_par * (capacity**cap_exp), demand.timeslice, QuantityType.EXTENSIVE, ) # Cost related to environmental products prices_environmental = agent.filter_input( market.prices, commodity=environmentals, year=years.values ).ffill("year") environmental_costs = (production * prices_environmental * rates).sum( ("commodity", "year") ) # Fuel/energy costs prices_fuel = agent.filter_input( market.prices, commodity=fuels, year=years.values ).ffill("year") prices = agent.filter_input(market.prices, year=years.values).ffill("year") fuel = consumption(technologies=tech, production=production, prices=prices).sel( commodity=fuels ) fuel_costs = (fuel * prices_fuel * rates).sum(("commodity", "year")) # Cost related to material other than fuel/energy and environmentals prices_material = agent.filter_input( market.prices, commodity=material, year=years.values ).ffill("year") material_costs = (production * prices_material * rates).sum(("commodity", "year")) # Fixed and Variable costs fixed_costs = convert_timeslice( fix_par * (capacity**fix_exp), demand.timeslice, QuantityType.EXTENSIVE, ) variable_costs = var_par * ( (production.sel(commodity=products).sum("commodity")) ** var_exp ) assert set(fixed_costs.dims) == set(variable_costs.dims) fixed_and_variable_costs = ((fixed_costs + variable_costs) * rates).sum("year") assert set(raw_revenues.dims) == set(installed_capacity_costs.dims) assert set(raw_revenues.dims) == set(environmental_costs.dims) assert set(raw_revenues.dims) == set(fuel_costs.dims) assert set(raw_revenues.dims) == set(material_costs.dims) assert set(raw_revenues.dims) == set(fixed_and_variable_costs.dims) results = raw_revenues - ( +installed_capacity_costs + environmental_costs + material_costs + fixed_and_variable_costs + fuel_costs ) return results
@register_objective(name="NPC") def net_present_cost( agent: Agent, demand: xr.DataArray, search_space: xr.DataArray, technologies: xr.Dataset, market: xr.Dataset, *args, **kwargs, ): """Net present cost (NPC) of the relevant technologies. The net present cost of a Component is the present value of all the costs of installing and operating the Component over the project lifetime, minus the present value of all the revenues that it earns over the project lifetime. .. seealso:: :py:func:`net_present_value`. """ return -net_present_value( agent, demand, search_space, technologies, market, *args, **kwargs ) def discount_factor(years, interest_rate, mask=1.0): """Calculate an array with the rate (aka discount factor) values over the years.""" return mask / (1 + interest_rate) ** years
[docs] @register_objective(name="EAC") def equivalent_annual_cost( agent: Agent, demand: xr.DataArray, search_space: xr.DataArray, technologies: xr.Dataset, market: xr.Dataset, *args, **kwargs, ): """Equivalent annual costs (or annualized cost) of a technology. This is the cost that, if it were to occur equally in every year of the project lifetime, would give the same net present cost as the actual cash flow sequence associated with that component. The cost is computed using the `annualized cost`_ expression given by HOMER Energy. .. _annualized cost: Arguments: agent: The agent of interest demand: Demand for commodities search_space: The search space space for replacement technologies technologies: All the technologies market: The market parameters *args: Extra arguments (unused) **kwargs: Extra keyword arguments (unused) Return: xr.DataArray with the EAC calculated for the relevant technologies """ npv = net_present_cost(agent, demand, search_space, technologies, market) crf = capital_recovery_factor(agent, search_space, technologies) return npv * crf