Source code for muse.outputs.sinks

"""Sinks where output quantities can be stored.

Sinks take as argument a DataArray and store it somewhere. Additionally they
take a dictionary as argument. This dictionary will always contains the items
('quantity', 'sector', 'year') referring to the name of the quantity, the name
of the calling sector, the current year. They may contain additional parameters
which depend on the actual sink, such as 'filename'.

Optionally, a description of the storage (filename, etc) can be returned.

The signature of a sink is:

.. code-block:: python

    def to_netcfd(quantity: DataArray, config: Mapping) -> Optional[Text]:

from typing import (

import pandas as pd
import xarray as xr
from mypy_extensions import KwArg

from muse.registration import registrator

    [Union[xr.DataArray, pd.DataFrame], int, KwArg(Any)], Optional[Text]
"""Signature of functions used to save quantities."""

OUTPUT_SINKS: MutableMapping[Text, Union[OUTPUT_SINK_SIGNATURE, Callable]] = {}
"""Stores a quantity somewhere."""

[docs] def factory(parameters: Mapping, sector_name: Text = "default") -> Callable: from functools import partial from inspect import isclass from pathlib import Path from muse.outputs.sinks import OUTPUT_SINKS config = dict(**parameters) config.pop("quantity", None) def normalize( params: Optional[Mapping], filename: Optional[Text] = None ) -> MutableMapping: if isinstance(params, Mapping): params = dict(**params) elif isinstance(params, Text): params = dict(name=params) else: suffix = config.get("suffix", Path(filename).suffix if filename else "csv") if not suffix: suffix = "csv" params = dict(name=suffix) if "aggregate" in params: params["name"] = "aggregate" params["final_sink"] = dict( sink=normalize(params.pop("aggregate"), filename) ) return params params = normalize(config.pop("sink", None), config.get("filename", None)) sink_name = params.pop("name") if len(set(params).intersection(config)) != 0: raise ValueError("duplicate settings in output section") params.update(config) params["sector"] = sector_name.lower() if sink_name[0] == ".": sink_name = sink_name[1:] sink = OUTPUT_SINKS[sink_name] if isclass(sink): return sink(**params) # type: ignore else: return partial(sink, **params)
[docs] @registrator(registry=OUTPUT_SINKS, loglevel=None) def register_output_sink(function: OUTPUT_SINK_SIGNATURE = None) -> Callable: """Registers a function to save quantities.""" assert function is not None return function
[docs] def sink_to_file(suffix: Text): """Simplifies sinks to files. The decorator takes care of figuring out the path to the file, as well as trims the configuration dictionary to include only parameters for the sink itself. The decorated function returns the path to the output file. """ from functools import wraps from logging import getLogger from pathlib import Path from muse.defaults import DEFAULT_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY def decorator(function: Callable[[Union[pd.DataFrame, xr.DataArray], Text], None]): @wraps(function) def decorated( quantity: Union[pd.DataFrame, xr.DataArray], year: int, **config ) -> Path: params = config.copy() filestring = str( params.pop( "filename", "{default_output_dir}/{Sector}{year}{Quantity}{suffix}" ) ) overwrite = params.pop("overwrite", False) sector = params.pop("sector", "") lsuffix = params.pop("suffix", suffix) if lsuffix is not None and len(lsuffix) > 0 and lsuffix[0] != ".": lsuffix = "." + lsuffix # assumes directory if filename has no suffix and does not exist if getattr(quantity, "name", None) is None: name = "quantity" else: name = str( filename = Path( filestring.format( cwd=str(Path().absolute()), quantity=name, Quantity=name.title(), sector=sector, Sector=sector.title(), year=year, suffix=lsuffix, default_output_dir=str(DEFAULT_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY), ) ) if filename.exists(): if overwrite: filename.unlink() else: msg = ( f"File {filename} already exists and overwrite argument has " "not been given." ) getLogger(function.__module__).critical(msg) raise IOError(msg) filename.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) function(quantity, filename, **params) # type: ignore return filename return decorated return decorator
[docs] def standardize_quantity( function: Callable[[Union[pd.DataFrame, xr.DataArray], Text], None], ): """Helps standardize how the quantities are specified. This decorator adds three keyword arguments to an input function: - set_index: A dictionary or any argument accepted by :py:meth:`pandas.DataFrame.set_index`. Ignored if not specified. If specified, a call to :py:meth:`pandas.DataFrame.reset_index` is made first. - sort_index: A dictionary or any argument accepted by :py:meth:`pandas.DataFrame.sort_index`. Ignored if not specified. - keep_columns: a string or a list of strings with the names of the columns to keep. Ignored if not specified. The three functions are applied in the order given, assuming an input is specified. """ from functools import wraps class NotSpecified: pass @wraps(function) def decorated( quantity: Union[pd.DataFrame, xr.DataArray], *args, set_index: Union[Any, NotSpecified] = NotSpecified, sort_index: Union[Any, NotSpecified, bool] = NotSpecified, keep_columns: Union[Text, Sequence[Text], NotSpecified] = NotSpecified, group_by: Union[Any, NotSpecified] = NotSpecified, **config, ) -> None: any_calls = ( set_index is not NotSpecified or set_index is not NotSpecified or keep_columns is not None ) if any_calls and hasattr(quantity, "to_dataframe"): data: pd.DataFrame = quantity.to_dataframe() else: data = cast(pd.DataFrame, quantity) if isinstance(set_index, Mapping): data = data.reset_index().set_index(**set_index) elif set_index is not NotSpecified: data = data.reset_index().set_index(set_index) if isinstance(sort_index, Mapping): data = data.sort_index(**sort_index) elif sort_index is True: data = data.sort_index() elif sort_index is not NotSpecified and sort_index is not False: data = data.sort_index(sort_index) if keep_columns is not NotSpecified: data = data[keep_columns] if isinstance(group_by, Mapping): data = data.groupby(group_by).sum() elif group_by is not NotSpecified: data = data.groupby(group_by).sum() return function(data, *args, **config) return decorated
[docs] @register_output_sink(name="csv") @sink_to_file(".csv") @standardize_quantity def to_csv( quantity: Union[pd.DataFrame, xr.DataArray], filename: Text, **params ) -> None: """Saves data array to csv format, using pandas.to_csv. Arguments: quantity: The data to be saved filename: File to which the data should be saved params: A configuration dictionary accepting any argument to `pandas.to_csv` """ params.update({"float_format": "%.11f"}) if isinstance(quantity, xr.DataArray): quantity = quantity.to_dataframe() par_list = [i for i in params.keys()] if len(par_list) > 0: if "columns" in par_list: quantity = quantity.reset_index() quantity.to_csv(filename, **params)
[docs] @register_output_sink(name=("netcdf", "nc")) @sink_to_file(".nc") def to_netcdf( quantity: Union[xr.DataArray, pd.DataFrame], filename: Text, **params ) -> None: """Saves data array to csv format, using xarray.to_netcdf. Arguments: quantity: The data to be saved filename: File to which the data should be saved params: A configuration dictionary accepting any argument to `xarray.to_netcdf` """ name = if getattr(quantity, "name", None) is not None else "quantity" assert name is not None if isinstance(quantity, pd.DataFrame): dataset = xr.Dataset.from_dataframe(quantity) else: dataset = xr.Dataset({name: quantity}) dataset.to_netcdf(filename, **params)
[docs] @register_output_sink(name=("excel", "xlsx")) @sink_to_file(".xlsx") @standardize_quantity def to_excel( quantity: Union[pd.DataFrame, xr.DataArray], filename: Text, **params ) -> None: """Saves data array to csv format, using pandas.to_excel. Arguments: quantity: The data to be saved filename: File to which the data should be saved params: A configuration dictionary accepting any argument to `pandas.to_excel` """ from logging import getLogger if isinstance(quantity, xr.DataArray): quantity = quantity.to_dataframe() try: quantity.to_excel(filename, **params) except ModuleNotFoundError as e: msg = "Cannot save to excel format: missing python package (%s)" % e getLogger(__name__).critical(msg) raise
[docs] @register_output_sink(name="aggregate") class YearlyAggregate: """Incrementally aggregates data from year to year.""" def __init__( self, final_sink: Optional[MutableMapping[Text, Any]] = None, sector: Text = "", axis="year", **kwargs, ): if final_sink is None: final_sink = dict(**kwargs) else: final_sink["sink"].update(**kwargs) if "overwrite" not in final_sink and not ( isinstance(final_sink.get("sink", None), Mapping) and "overwrite" in final_sink["sink"] ): final_sink["overwrite"] = True self.sink = factory(final_sink, sector_name=sector) self.aggregate: Optional[pd.Dataframe] = None self.axis = axis def __call__(self, data: Union[pd.DataFrame, xr.DataArray], year: int): if isinstance(data, xr.DataArray): dataframe = data.to_dataframe() else: dataframe = data if self.axis in dataframe.columns: dataframe = dataframe[dataframe[self.axis] == year] elif self.axis in getattr(dataframe.index, "names", []): dataframe = dataframe.xs(year, level=self.axis).assign(year=year) if self.aggregate is None: self.aggregate = dataframe else: self.aggregate = pd.concat((self.aggregate, dataframe), sort=True) assert self.aggregate is not None if getattr(data, "name", None) is not None: = return self.sink(self.aggregate, year=year)
[docs] class FiniteResourceException(Exception): """Raised when a finite resource is exceeded."""
[docs] @register_output_sink def finite_resource_logger( data: Union[pd.DataFrame, xr.DataArray], year: int, early_exit=False, **kwargs ): from logging import getLogger if data is None: return over_limit = (~data).any([u for u in data.dims if u != "commodity"]) over_limit = over_limit.sel(commodity=over_limit) if over_limit.size != 0: msg = "The following commodities have exceeded their limits: " + ", ".join( [str(u) for u in over_limit.commodity.values] ) getLogger(__name__).critical(msg) if early_exit: raise FiniteResourceException(msg)