Source code for muse.regressions

"""Functions and functors to compute macro-drivers."""

from __future__ import annotations

from abc import abstractmethod
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Callable, ClassVar, Mapping, Optional, Sequence, Text, Tuple, Union

from xarray import DataArray, Dataset

__all__ = [

"""Dictionary of factory functions for creating regression functors."""

"""Dictionary of alternative names for a given functor."""

class Regression(Callable):
    """Regression functors predicting demand from macro quantities.

    All regression functors are derived from this object.

    Creating a regression function can be done via it's constructor, or
    through a input csv file. This file is a

        >>> from muse.regressions import Exponential
        >>> from muse.defaults import DATA_DIRECTORY
        >>> path_to_regression_params = DATA_DIRECTORY / "regressionparamaters.csv"
        >>> if path_to_regression_params.exists():
        ...     expo = Exponential.factory(path_to_regression_params)

    The regression function itself takes either two `xarray.DataArray` or a
    `xarray.Dataset` as input. In any case, it is given the gpd and
    population. These can be read from standard MUSE csv files:

        >>> from muse.readers import read_macro_drivers
        >>> from muse.defaults import DATA_DIRECTORY
        >>> path_to_macrodrivers = DATA_DIRECTORY / "Macrodrivers.csv"
        >>> if path_to_macrodrivers.exists():
        ...     macrodrivers = read_macro_drivers(path_to_macrodrivers)
        ...     demand = expo(macrodrivers, year=2010, forecast=5)

    __mappings__: ClassVar = {}
    """ Maps from input names to coefficient names

    Maps the coefficients names in the class to their names in the input data
    tables. This class attribute must be overridden.
    __regression__ = ""
    """ Name of the regression function.

    This class attribute must be overridden.

    def __init__(self, interpolation: Text = "linear", base_year: int = 2010, **kwargs):
        self.interpolation = interpolation
        """Interpolation method when interpolating years"""
        self.base_year = base_year
        """Reference year for the start of the simulation."""

        attrs = {k: v for k, v in kwargs.items() if k in self.__mappings__}
        filters = {k: v for k, v in kwargs.items() if k not in self.__mappings__}
        self.coeffs = Dataset(attrs).sel(filters)
        """Coefficients of the regression function."""

    def __call__(
        gdp_or_dataset: Union[DataArray, Dataset],
        population: Optional[DataArray],
        year: Optional[Union[int, Sequence[int]]] = None,
        forecast: int = 5,
    ) -> DataArray:

    def sel(self, **filters) -> "Regression":
        """Regression over part of the data only."""
        return self.__class__(

    def _to_dataset(
        first: Union[DataArray, Dataset], population: Optional[DataArray]
    ) -> Dataset:
        data = first if isinstance(first, Dataset) else Dataset({"gdp": first})
        if population is not None:
            data["population"] = population
        return data

    def _split_kwargs(data: Dataset, **kwargs) -> Tuple[Mapping, Mapping]:
        filters = {k: v for k, v in kwargs.items() if k in data.dims}
        attrs = {k: v for k, v in kwargs.items() if k not in data.dims}
        return filters, attrs

    def factory(
        regression_data: Union[Text, Path, Dataset],
        interpolation: Text = "linear",
        base_year: int = 2010,
    ) -> Regression:
        """Creates a regression function from standard muse input."""
        from muse.readers import read_regression_parameters

        assert cls.__mappings__
        assert cls.__regression__ != ""

        if isinstance(regression_data, (Text, Path)):
            regression_data = read_regression_parameters(regression_data)

        # Get the parameters of interest with a 'simple' name
        coeffs = Dataset({k: regression_data[v] for k, v in cls.__mappings__.items()})
        return cls(interpolation=interpolation, base_year=base_year, **filters)

[docs] def factory( regression_parameters: Union[Text, Path, Dataset], sector: Optional[Union[Text, Sequence[Text]]] = None, ) -> Regression: """Creates regression functor from standard MUSE data for given sector.""" from muse.readers import read_regression_parameters if isinstance(regression_parameters, (Text, Path)): regression_parameters = read_regression_parameters(regression_parameters) if sector is not None: regression_parameters = regression_parameters.sel(sector=sector) if regression_parameters.function_type.size > 1: functions = [ REGRESSION_FUNCTOR_CREATOR[value](group) for value, group in regression_parameters.groupby("function_type") ] def regressions(*args, **kwargs): from xarray import align result = functions[0](*args, **kwargs) for function in functions[1:]: left, right = align(result, function(*args, **kwargs), join="outer") result = left.fillna(0) + right.fillna(0) return result return regressions if regression_parameters.function_type.dims == (): functype = str(regression_parameters.function_type.values) else: functype = str(regression_parameters.function_type[0].values) regfactory = REGRESSION_FUNCTOR_CREATOR[functype] return regfactory(regression_parameters)
def _snake_case(name: str) -> str: from re import sub s1 = sub("(.)([A-Z][a-z]+)", r"\1_\2", name) return sub("([a-z0-9])([A-Z])", r"\1_\2", s1).lower() def _kebab_case(name: str) -> str: from re import sub s1 = sub("(.)([A-Z][a-z]+)", r"\1-\2", name) return sub("([a-z0-9])([A-Z])", r"\1-\2", s1).lower()
[docs] def register_regression( Functor: Regression = None, name: Optional[Text] = None ) -> Regression: """Registers a functor with MUSE regressions. Regression functors are registered with MUSE so that the functors can be called easily on created. functor name that the functor is registered with defaults to the snake_case version of the functor name. However, it can also be specified explicitly as a *keyword* argument. In any case, it must be unique amongst all registered regression functor. """ from logging import getLogger from pathlib import Path from muse.registration import name_variations # allows specifyng the registered name as a keyword argument if Functor is None: return lambda x: register_regression(x, name=name) logger = getLogger(__name__) def factory(file_or_dataset, *args, **kwargs): if isinstance(file_or_dataset, (Path, Text)): msg = "Creating regression functor {} from data in {}".format( _kebab_case(name if name is not None else Functor.__name__), file_or_dataset, ) else: msg = "Creating regression functor {} from dataset".format( _kebab_case(name if name is not None else Functor.__name__) ) function = getattr(Functor, "factory", Functor) return function(file_or_dataset, *args, **kwargs) names = {_snake_case(a) for a in {Functor.__name__, name} if a is not None} REGRESSION_FUNCTOR_NAMES[Functor.__name__.lower()] = [] for n in name_variations(*names): if n in REGRESSION_FUNCTOR_CREATOR: msg = "A regression with the name %s already exists" % n raise RuntimeError(msg) REGRESSION_FUNCTOR_CREATOR[n] = factory REGRESSION_FUNCTOR_NAMES[Functor.__name__.lower()].append(n) return Functor
def regression_functor( mappings: Mapping[Text, Text], name: Optional[Text] = None ) -> Regression: """Creates a macro-driver functor from a function. The functions are transformed into classes inheriting from Regression. Arguments: mappings: a dictionary mapping from the functions expected coefficients (e.g. a, b, c) to the name in the input csv data tables (.e.g. constant, GDPexp, GDPscale). name: name by which the function is referred to in the input data table. """ from logging import getLogger def decorator(func): from functools import wraps if func.__name__[0] != func.__name__[0].upper(): raise Exception( "The function will be turned into a class. " "It's name should be capitalized." ) name_ = (func.__name__ if name is None else name).lower() classname = func.__name__ logger = getLogger(__name__) log = "Calling {} regression function".format(_kebab_case(classname)) # the main function will transform the input so 'func' can deal with it @wraps(func) def __call__( self, gdp_or_dataset: Union[DataArray, Dataset], population: Optional[DataArray] = None, year: Optional[Union[int, Sequence[int]]] = None, forecast: Optional[Union[int, Sequence[int]]] = None, **kwargs, ): from numpy import ndarray logger.debug(log) data = self._to_dataset(gdp_or_dataset, population) filters, attrs = self._split_kwargs(data, **kwargs) years = year if forecast is not None and year is None and "year" in data.dims: years = data.year if isinstance(forecast, (Sequence, ndarray)): forecast = DataArray( forecast, coords={"forecast": forecast}, dims="forecast" ) if forecast is not None and years is not None: years = years data = data.sel(filters) if years is not None: data = data.interp( year=years, method=self.interpolation, kwargs={"fill_value": "extrapolate"}, ) attrs.update(**data.data_vars) # for the duration of the call, change coeffs to allow for # selections old_coeffs = self.coeffs try: filters = {k: v for k, v in kwargs.items() if k in self.coeffs.dims} self.coeffs = self.coeffs.sel(filters) return func(self, year=year, forecast=forecast, **attrs) finally: self.coeffs = old_coeffs msg = """ This function accepts extra keyword arguments to filter over the dimensions of the input data-array. Furthermore, the gdp and population can be passed as a single argument if the first argument (not including self) is a dataset, then it is expected it should hold both the gdp and population. If population is also given, it will override population in the dataset argument. """ if __call__.__doc__ is None: __call__.__doc__ = "\n\n" + msg else: __call__.__doc__ += "Regression function: {}\n\n{}".format(name_, msg) doc = """Regression function: {name} This functor is a regression function registered with MUSE as '{name}'. """.format(name=name_) Self = type( classname, (Regression,), { "__regression__": name_, "__mappings__": mappings, "__call__": __call__, "__module__": func.__module__, "__doc__": doc, }, ) return Self return decorator
[docs] @register_regression @regression_functor({"a": "constant", "b": "GDPexp"}) def Exponential( self, gdp: DataArray, population: DataArray, *args, year: int = 0, **kwargs ) -> DataArray: from numpy import exp factor = 1e6 * self.coeffs.a * population return factor * exp(self.coeffs.b * population / gdp)
[docs] @register_regression @regression_functor({"a": "constant", "b": "GDPexp", "w": "timeEff"}) def ExponentialAdj( self, gdp: DataArray, population: DataArray, *args, year: Optional[Union[int, Sequence[int]]] = None, forecast: int = 5, n: int = 6, **kwargs, ) -> DataArray: from numpy import exp, power if year is None: year = self.base_year factor = 1e6 * self.coeffs.a * population unadjusted = factor * exp(self.coeffs.b * population / gdp) p = power(year + forecast - self.base_year, n) return unadjusted * (1 + self.coeffs.w * p) / (1 + p)
[docs] @register_regression @regression_functor({"a": "constant", "b": "GDPscale", "c": "GDPexp", "w": "timeEff"}) def Logistic( self, gdp: DataArray, population: DataArray, forecast: int = 5, n: int = 4, **kwargs ) -> DataArray: """(1 + t * f^n) / (1 + f^n) * a * pop / (1 + b * e^(gpd * c / pop)). With f the number of forecast years. """ from numpy import exp, power a, b, c, w = self.coeffs.a, self.coeffs.b, self.coeffs.c, self.coeffs.w p = power(forecast, n) factor = 1e6 * a * population * (1 + w * p) / (1 + p) return factor / (1 + b * exp(gdp * c / population))
[docs] @register_regression(name="log-log") @regression_functor({"a": "constant", "b": "GDPexp"}) def Loglog(self, gdp: DataArray, population: DataArray, *args, **kwargs) -> DataArray: """1e6 * e^a * population * (gpd/population)^b.""" from numpy import exp, power factor = 1e6 * exp(self.coeffs.a) * population return factor * power(gdp / population, self.coeffs.b)
[docs] @register_regression @regression_functor( {"a": "constant", "b0": "GDPscaleLess", "b1": "GDPscaleGreater", "c": "GDPexp"} ) def LogisticSigmoid( self, gdp: DataArray, population: DataArray, *args, year: Optional[Union[int, Sequence[int]]] = None, **kwargs, ) -> DataArray: """0.001 * (constant * pop + gdp * c / sqrt(1 + (gdp * scale / pop)^2).""" from numpy import power constant = self.coeffs.a c = self.coeffs.c if year is None: year = self.base_year if isinstance(year, int): scale = self.coeffs.b0 if year < 2015 else self.coeffs.b1 elif year is not None and "year" in gdp.dims: # fmt: disable years = ( year if isinstance(year, DataArray) else DataArray(year, coords={"year": year}, dims="year") ) # fmt: enable scale = self.coeffs.b0.where(years < 2015, self.coeffs.b1) else: scale = 1 p = power(1 + power(gdp * scale / population, 2), 0.5) return 0.001 * (constant * population + gdp * c / p)
[docs] @register_regression class Linear(Regression): """a * population + b * (gdp - gdp[2010]/population[2010] * population).""" __mappings__: ClassVar[dict[str, str]] = { "a": "constant", "b0": "GDPscaleLess", "b1": "GDPscaleGreater", } __regression__ = "linear" __scaleyear__ = 2015 def __call__( self, gdp_or_dataset: Union[DataArray, Dataset], population: Optional[DataArray] = None, year: Optional[Union[int, Sequence[int]]] = None, forecast: int = 5, **kwargs, ) -> DataArray: from logging import getLogger getLogger(__name__).debug("Calling linear regression function") data = self._to_dataset(gdp_or_dataset, population) filters = self._split_kwargs(data, **kwargs)[0] coeffs = self.coeffs.sel(**filters) data = data.sel(**filters) if isinstance(year, int): condition = year + forecast < self.__scaleyear__ scale = coeffs.b0 if condition else coeffs.b1 elif year is not None and "year" in data.dims: years = ( year if isinstance(year, DataArray) else DataArray(year, coords={"year": year}, dims="year") ) sel = years + forecast < self.__scaleyear__ scale = coeffs.b0.where(sel, coeffs.b1) else: scale = coeffs.b0 data_baseyear = data.sel(year=self.base_year) gdpcap_offset = data_baseyear.gdp / data_baseyear.population if year is not None and "year" in data.dims: data = data.interp(year=year, method=self.interpolation) return coeffs.a * data.population + scale * ( data.gdp - gdpcap_offset * data.population )
[docs] def endogenous_demand( regression_parameters: Union[Text, Path, Dataset], drivers: Union[Text, Path, Dataset], sector: Optional[Union[Text, Sequence]] = None, **kwargs, ) -> Dataset: """Endogenous demand based on macro drivers and regression parameters.""" from muse.readers import read_macro_drivers regression = factory(regression_parameters, sector=sector) if isinstance(drivers, (Text, Path)): drivers = read_macro_drivers(drivers) return regression(drivers, **kwargs)