Source code for muse.utilities

"""Collection of functions and stand-alone algorithms."""

from typing import (

import numpy as np
import xarray as xr

[docs] def multiindex_to_coords( data: Union[xr.Dataset, xr.DataArray], dimension: Text = "asset" ): """Flattens multi-index dimension into multi-coord dimension.""" from pandas import MultiIndex assert dimension in data.dims assert isinstance(data.indexes[dimension], MultiIndex) names = data.indexes[dimension].names coords = {n: data[n].values for n in names} result = data.drop_vars(dimension) for name, coord in coords.items(): result[name] = dimension, coord if isinstance(result, xr.Dataset): result = result.set_coords(names) return result
[docs] def coords_to_multiindex( data: Union[xr.Dataset, xr.DataArray], dimension: Text = "asset" ) -> Union[xr.Dataset, xr.DataArray]: """Creates a multi-index from flattened multiple coords.""" from pandas import MultiIndex assert dimension in data.dims assert dimension not in data.indexes names = [u for u in data.coords if data[u].dims == (dimension,)] index = MultiIndex.from_arrays([data[u].values for u in names], names=names) result = data.drop_vars(names) result[dimension] = index return result
[docs] def reduce_assets( assets: Union[xr.DataArray, xr.Dataset, Sequence[Union[xr.Dataset, xr.DataArray]]], coords: Optional[Union[Text, Sequence[Text], Iterable[Text]]] = None, dim: Text = "asset", operation: Optional[Callable] = None, ) -> Union[xr.DataArray, xr.Dataset]: r"""Combine assets along given asset dimension. This method simplifies combining assets across multiple agents, or combining assets across a given dimension. By default, it will sum together assets from the same region which have the same technology and the same installation date. In other words, assets are identified by the technology, installation year and region. The reduction happens over other possible coordinates, e.g. the owning agent. More specifically, assets are often indexed using what xarray calls a **dimension without coordinates**. In practice, there are still coordinates associated with assets, e.g. *technology* and *installed* (installation year or version), but the value associated with these coordinates are not unique. There may be more than one asset with the same technology or installation year. For instance, with assets per agent defined as :math:`A^{i, r}_o`, with :math:`i` an agent index, :math:`r` a region, :math:`o` is the coordinates identified in ``coords``, and :math:`T` the transformation identified by ``operation``, then this function computes: .. math:: R_{r, o} = T[\{A^{i, r}_o; \forall i\}] If :math:`T` is the sum operation, then: .. math:: R_{r, o} = \sum_i A^{i, r}_o Example: Lets construct assets that do have duplicates assets. First we construct the dimensions, using fake data: >>> data = xr.Dataset() >>> data['year'] = 'year', [2010, 2015, 2017] >>> data['installed'] = 'asset', [1990, 1991, 1991, 1990] >>> data['technology'] = 'asset', ['a', 'b', 'b', 'c'] >>> data['region'] = 'asset', ['x', 'x', 'x', 'y'] >>> data = data.set_coords(('installed', 'technology', 'region')) We can check there are duplicate assets in this coordinate system: >>> processes = set( ... zip(data.installed.values,, data.region.values) ... ) >>> len(processes) < len(data.asset) True Now we can easily create a fake two dimensional quantity per process and per year: >>> data['capacity'] = ('year', 'asset'), np.arange(3 * 4).reshape(3, 4) The point of `reduce_assets` is to aggregate assets that refer to the same process: >>> reduce_assets(data.capacity) <xarray.DataArray 'capacity' (year: 3, asset: 3)> array([[ 0, 3, 3], [ 4, 7, 11], [ 8, 11, 19]]) Coordinates: * year (year) ... 2010 2015 2017 installed (asset) ... 1990 1990 1991 technology (asset) <U1 'a' 'c' 'b' region (asset) <U1 'x' 'y' 'x' Dimensions without coordinates: asset We can also specify explicitly which coordinates in the 'asset' dimension should be reduced, and how: >>> reduce_assets( ... data.capacity, ... coords=('technology', 'installed'), ... operation = lambda x: x.mean(dim='asset') ... ) <xarray.DataArray 'capacity' (year: 3, asset: 3)> array([[ 0. , 1.5, 3. ], [ 4. , 5.5, 7. ], [ 8. , 9.5, 11. ]]) Coordinates: * year (year) ... 2010 2015 2017 technology (asset) <U1 'a' 'b' 'c' installed (asset) ... 1990 1991 1990 Dimensions without coordinates: asset """ from copy import copy if operation is None: def operation(x): return x.sum(dim) assert operation is not None if not isinstance(assets, (xr.Dataset, xr.DataArray)): assets = xr.concat(assets, dim=dim) assert isinstance(assets, (xr.Dataset, xr.DataArray)) if assets[dim].size == 0: return assets if coords is None: coords = [cast(Text, k) for k, v in assets.coords.items() if v.dims == (dim,)] elif isinstance(coords, Text): coords = (coords,) coords = [k for k in coords if k in assets.coords and assets[k].dims == (dim,)] assets = copy(assets) dtypes = [(d, assets[d].dtype) for d in coords] grouper = np.array( list(zip(*(cast(Iterator, assets[d].values) for d in coords))), dtype=dtypes ) assert "grouper" not in assets.coords assets["grouper"] = "asset", grouper result = operation(assets.groupby("grouper")).rename(grouper=dim) for i, d in enumerate(coords): result[d] = dim, [u[i] for u in result[dim].values] return result.drop_vars("asset")
[docs] def broadcast_techs( technologies: Union[xr.Dataset, xr.DataArray], template: Union[xr.DataArray, xr.Dataset], dimension: Text = "asset", interpolation: Text = "linear", installed_as_year: bool = True, **kwargs, ) -> Union[xr.Dataset, xr.DataArray]: """Broadcasts technologies to the shape of template in given dimension. The dimensions of the technologies are fully explicit, in that each concept 'technology', 'region', 'year' (for year of issue) is a separate dimension. However, the dataset or data arrays representing other quantities, such as capacity, are often flattened out with coordinates 'region', 'installed', and 'technology' represented in a single 'asset' dimension. This latter representation is sparse if not all combinations of 'region', 'installed', and 'technology' are present, whereas the former representation makes it easier to select a subset of the same. This function broadcast the first representation to the shape and coordinates of the second. Arguments: technologies: The dataset to broadcast template: the dataset or data-array to use as a template dimension: the name of the dimensiom from `template` over which to broadcast interpolation: interpolation method used across `year` installed_as_year: if the coordinate `installed` exists, then it is applied to the `year` dimension of the technologies dataset kwargs: further arguments are used initial filters over the `technologies` dataset. """ # this assert will trigger if 'year' is changed to 'installed' in # technologies, because then this function should be modified. assert "installed" not in technologies.dims names = [u for u in template.coords if template[u].dims == (dimension,)] # the first selection reduces the size of technologies without affecting the # dimensions. first_sel = { n: technologies[n].isin(template[n]) for n in names if n in technologies.dims and n != "year" } first_sel.update({k: v for k, v in kwargs.items() if k != "year"}) techs = technologies.sel(first_sel) if "year" in technologies.dims: year = None if installed_as_year and "installed" in names: year = template["installed"] elif (not installed_as_year) and "year" in template.dims: year = template["year"] if year is not None and len(year) > 0: techs = techs.interp( year=sorted(set(cast(Iterable, year.values))), method=interpolation ) if installed_as_year and "installed" in names: techs = techs.rename(year="installed") second_sel = {n: template[n] for n in template.coords if n in techs.dims} return techs.sel(second_sel)
[docs] def clean_assets(assets: xr.Dataset, years: Union[int, Sequence[int]]): """Cleans up and prepares asset for current iteration. - adds current and forecast year by backfilling missing entries - removes assets for which there is no capacity now or in the future """ if isinstance(years, Sequence): current = min(*years) years = sorted(set(assets.year[assets.year >= current].values).union(years)) else: x = set(assets.year[assets.year >= years].values) x.add(years) years = sorted(x) result = assets.reindex(year=years, method="backfill").fillna(0) not_asset = [u for u in result.dims if u != "asset"] return result.sel(asset=result.capacity.any(not_asset))
[docs] def filter_input( dataset: Union[xr.Dataset, xr.DataArray], year: Optional[Union[int, Iterable[int]]] = None, interpolation: Text = "linear", **kwargs, ) -> Union[xr.Dataset, xr.DataArray]: """Filter inputs, taking care to interpolate years.""" from typing import Set if year is None: setyear: Set[int] = set() else: try: setyear = {int(year)} # type: ignore except TypeError: setyear = set(int(u) for u in year) # type: ignore withyear = ( "year" in dataset.dims and year is not None and setyear.issubset(dataset.year.values) ) if withyear: kwargs["year"] = year year = None dataset = dataset.sel(**kwargs) if withyear and "year" not in dataset.dims and "year" in dataset.coords: dataset = dataset.drop_vars("year") if "year" in dataset.dims and year is not None: dataset = dataset.interp(year=year, method=interpolation) if "year" not in dataset.dims and "year" in dataset.coords: dataset = dataset.drop_vars("year") elif "year" in dataset.dims: dataset = dataset.ffill("year") return dataset
[docs] def filter_with_template( data: Union[xr.Dataset, xr.DataArray], template: Union[xr.DataArray, xr.Dataset], asset_dimension: Text = "asset", **kwargs, ): """Filters data to match template. If the `asset_dimension` is present in `template.dims`, then the call is forwarded to `broadcast_techs`. Otherwise, the set of dimensions and indices in common between `template` and `data` are determined, and the resulting call is forwarded to `filter_input`. Arguments: data: Data to transform template: Data from which to figure coordinates and dimensions asset_dimension: Name of the dimension which if present indicates the format is that of an *asset* (see `broadcast_techs`) kwargs: passed on to `broadcast_techs` or `filter_input` Returns: `data` transformed to match the form of `template` """ if asset_dimension in template.dims: return broadcast_techs(data, template, dimension=asset_dimension, **kwargs) match_indices = set(data.dims).intersection(template.dims) - set(kwargs) match = {d: template[d].isin(data[d]).values for d in match_indices if d != "year"} if "year" in match_indices: match["year"] = template.year.values return filter_input(data, **match, **kwargs) # type: ignore
[docs] def tupled_dimension(array: np.ndarray, axis: int): """Transforms one axis into a tuples.""" if array.shape[axis] == 1: shape = tuple(j for i, j in enumerate(array.shape) if i != axis) return array.reshape(*shape) rolled = np.moveaxis(array, axis, -1) shape = rolled.shape flattened = rolled.reshape(-1, shape[-1]) result = np.zeros(shape=flattened.shape[:-1], dtype=object) for i in range(0, flattened.shape[0]): result[i] = tuple(flattened[i, :]) return result.reshape(*shape[:-1])
[docs] def lexical_comparison( objectives: xr.Dataset, binsize: xr.Dataset, order: Optional[Sequence[Hashable]] = None, bin_last: bool = True, ) -> xr.DataArray: """Lexical comparison over the objectives. Lexical comparison operates by binning the objectives into bins of width `binsize`. Once binned, dimensions other than `asset` and `technology` are reduced by taking the max, e.g. the largest constraint. Finally, the objectives are ranked lexographically, in the order given by the parameters. Arguments: objectives: xr.Dataset containing the objectives to rank binsize: bin size, minimization direction (+ -> minimize, - -> maximize), and (optionally) order of lexicographical comparison. The order is the one given `binsize.data_vars` if the argument `order` is None. order: Optional array indicating the order in which to rank the tuples. bin_last: Whether the last metric should be binned, or whether it should be left as a the type it already is (e.g. no flooring and no turning to integer.) Result: An array of tuples which can subsequently be compared lexicographically. """ if order is None: order = [u for u in binsize.data_vars] assert set(order) == set(binsize.data_vars) assert set(order).issuperset(objectives) result = objectives[order] for name in order if bin_last else order[:-1]: result[name] = np.floor(result[name] / binsize[name]).astype(int) if not bin_last: result[order[-1]] = result[order[-1]] / binsize[order[-1]] return result.to_array(dim="variable").reduce(tupled_dimension, dim="variable")
[docs] def merge_assets( capa_a: xr.DataArray, capa_b: xr.DataArray, interpolation: Text = "linear", dimension: Text = "asset", ) -> xr.DataArray: """Merge two capacity arrays.""" years = sorted(set(capa_a.year.values).union(capa_b.year.values)) levels = (coord for coord in capa_a.coords if capa_a[coord].dims == (dimension,)) if len(capa_a.year) == 1: result = xr.concat( ( capa_a, capa_b.interp(year=years, method=interpolation).fillna(0), ), dim=dimension, ).fillna(0) elif len(capa_b.year) == 1: result = xr.concat( ( capa_a.interp(year=years, method=interpolation).fillna(0), capa_b, ), dim=dimension, ).fillna(0) else: result = xr.concat( ( capa_a.interp(year=years, method=interpolation).fillna(0), capa_b.interp(year=years, method=interpolation).fillna(0), ), dim=dimension, ) forgroup = result.pipe(coords_to_multiindex, dimension=dimension) if len(forgroup[dimension]) != len(set(forgroup[dimension].values)): result = ( forgroup.groupby(dimension) .sum(dimension) .clip(min=0) .pipe(multiindex_to_coords, dimension=dimension) .rename({"asset_level_%i" % i: coord for i, coord in enumerate(levels)}) ) return result
[docs] def avoid_repetitions(data: xr.DataArray, dim: Text = "year") -> xr.DataArray: """List of years such that there is no repetition in the data. It removes the central year of any three consecutive years where all data is the same. This means the original data can be reobtained via a linear interpolation or a forward fill. The first and last year are always preserved. """ roll = data.rolling({dim: 3}, center=True).construct("window") years = ~(roll == roll.isel(window=0)).all([u for u in roll.dims if u != dim]) return data.year[years]
[docs] def nametuple_to_dict(nametup: Union[Mapping, NamedTuple]) -> Mapping: """Transforms a nametuple of type GenericDict into an OrderDict.""" from collections import OrderedDict from dataclasses import asdict, is_dataclass if is_dataclass(nametup): out = asdict(nametup, OrderedDict) # type: ignore elif hasattr(nametup, "_asdict"): out = nametup._asdict() # type: ignore else: out = nametup.copy() # type: ignore for key, value in out.items(): if is_dataclass(value) or hasattr(value, "_asdict"): out[key] = nametuple_to_dict(value) return out
[docs] def future_propagation( data: xr.DataArray, future: xr.DataArray, threshold: float = 1e-12, dim: Text = "year", ) -> xr.DataArray: """Propagates values into the future. Example: ``Data`` should be an array with at least one dimension, "year": >>> coords = dict(year=list(range(2020, 2040, 5)), fuel=["gas", "coal"]) >>> data = xr.DataArray( ... [list(range(4)), list(range(-5, -1))], ... coords=coords, ... dims=("fuel", "year") ... ) ``future`` is an array with exactly one year in its ``year`` coordinate, or that coordinate must correspond to a scalar. That one year should also be present in ``data``. >>> future = xr.DataArray( ... [1.2, -3.95], coords=dict(fuel=coords['fuel'], year=2025), dims="fuel", ... ) This function propagates into ``data`` values from ``future``, but only if those values differed for the current year beyond a given threshold: >>> from muse.utilities import future_propagation >>> future_propagation(data, future, threshold=0.1) <xarray.DataArray (fuel: 2, year: 4)> array([[ 0. , 1.2, 1.2, 1.2], [-5. , -4. , -3. , -2. ]]) Coordinates: * year (year) ... 2020 2025 2030 2035 * fuel (fuel) <U4 'gas' 'coal' Above, the data for coal is not sufficiently different given the threshold. hence, the future values for coal remain as they where. The dimensions of ``future`` do not have to match exactly those of ``data``. Standard broadcasting is used if they do not match: >>> future_propagation(data, future.sel(fuel="gas", drop=True), threshold=0.1) <xarray.DataArray (fuel: 2, year: 4)> array([[ 0. , 1.2, 1.2, 1.2], [-5. , 1.2, 1.2, 1.2]]) Coordinates: * year (year) ... 2020 2025 2030 2035 * fuel (fuel) <U4 'gas' 'coal' >>> future_propagation(data, future.sel(fuel="coal", drop=True), threshold=0.1) <xarray.DataArray (fuel: 2, year: 4)> array([[ 0. , -3.95, -3.95, -3.95], [-5. , -4. , -3. , -2. ]]) Coordinates: * year (year) ... 2020 2025 2030 2035 * fuel (fuel) <U4 'gas' 'coal' """ if dim not in data.dims or dim not in future.coords: raise ValueError("Expected dimension 'year' in `data` and `future`.") if future[dim].ndim != 0 and len(future[dim]) != 1: raise ValueError(f'``future["{dim}"] should be of length 1 or a scalar.') if not future[dim].isin(data[dim]).all(): raise ValueError(f'{future[dim]} not found in data["{dim}"].') if future[dim].ndim != 0: future = future.loc[{dim: 0}] year = future[dim].values return data.where( np.logical_or( data.year < year, np.abs(data.loc[{dim: year}] - future) < threshold ), future, )
[docs] def agent_concatenation( data: Mapping[Hashable, Union[xr.DataArray, xr.Dataset]], dim: Text = "asset", name: Text = "agent", fill_value: Any = 0, ) -> Union[xr.DataArray, xr.Dataset]: """Concatenates input map along given dimension. Example: Lets create sets of random assets to work with. We set the seed so that this test can be reproduced exactly. >>> from muse.examples import random_agent_assets >>> rng = np.random.default_rng(1234) >>> assets = {i: random_agent_assets(rng) for i in range(5)} The concatenation will create a new dataset (or datarray) combining all the inputs along the dimension "asset". The origin of each datum is retained in a new coordinate "agent" with dimension "asset". >>> from muse.utilities import agent_concatenation >>> aggregate = agent_concatenation(assets) >>> aggregate <xarray.Dataset> Dimensions: (asset: 19, year: 12) Coordinates: * year (year) int64 2033 2035 2036 2037 2039 ... 2046 2047 2048 2049 technology (asset) <U9 'oven' 'stove' 'oven' ... 'stove' 'oven' 'thermomix' region (asset) <U9 'Brexitham' 'Brexitham' ... 'Brexitham' 'Brexitham' agent (asset) ... 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 installed (asset) int64 2030 2025 2030 2010 2030 ... 2025 2030 2010 2025 Dimensions without coordinates: asset Data variables: capacity (asset, year) float64 26.0 26.0 26.0 56.0 ... 62.0 62.0 62.0 Note that the `dtype` of the capacity has changed from integers to floating points. This is due to how ``xarray`` performs the operation. We can check that all the data from each agent is indeed present in the aggregate. >>> for agent, inventory in assets.items(): ... assert (aggregate.sel(asset=aggregate.agent == agent) == inventory).all() However, it should be noted that the data is not always strictly equivalent: dimensions outside of "assets" (most notably "year") will include all points from all agents. Missing values for the "year" dimension are forward filled (and backfilled with zeros). Others are left with "NaN". """ from itertools import repeat data = {k: v.copy() for k, v in data.items()} for key, datum in data.items(): if name in datum.coords: raise ValueError(f"Coordinate {name} already exists") if len(data) == 1 and isinstance(datum, xr.DataArray): data[key] = datum.assign_coords( { name: ( dim, list(repeat(key, datum.sizes[dim])), ) } ) else: datum[name] = key result = xr.concat(data.values(), dim=dim) if isinstance(result, xr.Dataset): result = result.set_coords("agent") if "year" in result.dims: result = result.ffill("year") if fill_value is not np.nan: result = result.fillna(fill_value) return result
[docs] def aggregate_technology_model( data: Union[xr.DataArray, xr.Dataset], dim: Text = "asset", drop: Union[Text, Sequence[Text]] = "installed", ) -> Union[xr.DataArray, xr.Dataset]: """Aggregate together assets with the same installation year. The assets of a given agent, region, and technology but different installation year are grouped together and summed over. Example: We first create a random set of agent assets and aggregate them. Some of these agents own assets from the same technology but potentially with different installation year. This function will aggregate together all assets of a given agent with same technology. >>> from muse.examples import random_agent_assets >>> from muse.utilities import agent_concatenation, aggregate_technology_model >>> rng = np.random.default_rng(1234) >>> agent_assets = {i: random_agent_assets(rng) for i in range(5)} >>> assets = agent_concatenation(agent_assets) >>> reduced = aggregate_technology_model(assets) We can check that the tuples (agent, technology) are unique (each agent works in a single region): >>> ids = list(zip(reduced.agent.values, >>> assert len(set(ids)) == len(ids) And we can check they correspond to the right summation: >>> for agent, technology in set(ids): ... techsel = == technology ... agsel = assets.agent == agent ... expected = assets.sel(asset=techsel & agsel).sum("asset") ... techsel = == technology ... agsel = reduced.agent == agent ... actual = reduced.sel(asset=techsel & agsel) ... assert len(actual.asset) == 1 ... assert (actual == expected).all() """ if isinstance(drop, Text): drop = (drop,) return reduce_assets( data, [ cast(Text, u) for u in data.coords if u not in drop and data[u].dims == (dim,) ], )